Capturing Internal Website APIs

It's important to fully understand and abide by the Terms Of Use of every website, and to avoid collecting private data in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations.

In the past, when a webpage was requested, all of the information presented on the page would be loaded and presented together as a single package. All the HTML, images, Javascript, CSS, and other resources were an inherent part of the webpage itself.

However, over time businesses discovered many advantages in loading some data dynamically. Retail platforms like Amazon run dynamic pricing algorithms that adjust the price of each product in real time. Search Engines use lazy-loading strategies instead of pagination - loading new information as the user scrolls without reloading the page.

A common technical approach to managing and loading information dynamically in this manner involves creating internal APIs. Businesses use internal APIs - which are not explicitly exposed to users - to request information and then add it to the presented webpage.

In the below example, we use Chrome's Developer Tools to demonstrate how Expedia loads data dynamically from an internal API:

By capturing these internal API calls, developers can directly access key data in machine-readable formats - typically JSON. This circumvents the need to parse the desired data out of HTML.

Furthermore, by understanding the inputs of these internal APIs, developers over time can learn how to interact with them directly, with no need to go through the public-facing webpages.