The Nimble User Dashboard is your one-stop-shop for all things Nimble. You can:
Create, edit, and delete Pipelines
Generate reports and view usage analytics
Experiment with our products in the Playground
Manage and view billing details
Add Team Members
and more!
The Dashboard is available at
Simply log in with the username and password you set upon registration. If you do not remember your password, you can reset it by clicking on "Forgot password?"
Pipelines are Nimble's solution for organizing and managing your usage on our platform. Every request you send to our proxy network or APIs is handled by a particular pipeline. Using pipelines enables you to:
Categorize your activity Use pipelines to distinguish between business uses, such as clients, data sources, use cases, or any other criteria that makes sense for your business.
Generate Reports Every report and graph in the User Dashboard can be filtered by pipeline, allowing for granular, use-case driven analytics.
Control spending Each pipeline has its own budget cap, so you can set higher budget caps (or no cap) on critical applications while setting more restrictive caps on others.
Save time and reduce errors Set default configurations on each pipeline to ensure consistent behavior across all child requests from a centralized source.
After logging in to the User Dashboard, click "Billing" on the left hand side.
To edit your details, click on the tab titled "Invoicing Information".
If you pay via credit card, you can edit your payment method by clicking on the three dot menu that appears next to the existing card and clicking "Replace method".
If you have any questions or need additional support, feel free to reach out to Nimble's support via email at [email protected]. For other methods, see Helpful Resources.
The easiest way to get started with Nimble's products is to head to the Playground. The Playground features an interactive query builder that can help you learn how to write Proxy & API requests, and even execute and display the results.
To visit the Playground:
Log in to the User Dashboard.
Click on "Playground" on the left hand side.
At the top of the page, you'll be able to select which Nimble product you'd like to try. By default, Nimble API will already be open.
Next, select the relevant API. If you're not sure which API you need, see "Which API is right for me?".
On the left hand side, you'll see the parameters and options you can configure, such as the pipeline to use, the URL from which to collect data, Javascript page rendering, parsing, and more. As you make changes, the query builder on the right will automatically highlight and update your sample query in keeping with your changes.
For your first request, we recommend enabling "Page Render" and "Parse". This will execute javascript on the page, ensuring it's fully rendered, and parse the results into a readable format.
Once you've configured your request, click "Run Request" on the bottom right. After a few moments, the page you requested will appear on the bottom left, and the result data on the right.
Congratulations! You just ran your first request.
You can also copy the sample request code that the playground constructed and execute it in your terminal or application.
The Nimble User Dashboard provides multiple methods of seeing your usage.
The Dashboard homepage provides a quick overview of per-product quota usage, request count, data transfer, and top countries/domains.
Within each pipeline's overview page, you can view that pipeline's activity by data transferred, request count, and success rate over any time frame.
In the Analytics suite, you can generate:
Current vs Past Reports: compare usage over the previous period or same period last year.
Performance Comparison: use any criteria (pipeline, product, country, etc) to create a "line" in the report, and then create up to three additional "lines" to compare over any time period.
Custom Report: create fully customizable reports over any time period.
We invite you to continue your journey in the onboarding guide by getting a quick start on the Nimble product most relevant to you:
Nimble IP
Modern, high-performance proxy network.
Nimble API
End-to-end data collection APIs.
Helpful Resources
Resources to help expand your Nimble Knowledge!