Admin API basics


Nimble’s Admin API uses bearer authentication. A token must be generated before beginning a session and is valid for 72 hours. The first credentials for generating a token will be provided by your account manager.

The username and password for accessing the Admin API are different than the credentials used for sending proxy requests, as the Admin API credentials must be well-secured and not passed on public traffic.

Creating a new pipeline

To create a new pipeline, use the /accounts/projects/ endpoint. Provide a name for the new pipeline and the API will generate a password automatically. Here is an example pipeline configuration:

Setting a pipeline’s country and state

In order to use residential proxies from a selected location; country or state (US only), use the /account/projects/{pipelineName} endpoint.

For country codes, we use ISO 3166 alpha-2 Country Codes (use ALL to randomly select a country).