Targeting by Country
Add a –country– value to the username portion of the request string to target a specific country:
cURL Python Node.js Go
Copy curl -x http://account-accountName-pipeline-pipelineName-country-US:[email protected] :7000
Copy import requests
proxies = {
'http' : 'http://account-accountName-pipeline-pipelineName-country-US:[email protected] :7000' ,
'https' : 'https://account-accountName-pipeline-pipelineName-country-US:[email protected] :7000'
url = ''
response = requests . get (url, proxies = proxies)
print (response.status_code)
print (response.text)
Copy const axios = require ( 'axios' );
const targetAddress = "" ;
const getProxy = async () => {
return {
proxy : {
host : "account-accountName-pipeline-pipelineName-country-US:[email protected] " ,
port : 7000
const run = async () => {
const res = await axios (targetAddress , getProxy ());
return res .data;
( async () => {
var response = await run ()
console .log (response);
console .log ( "DONE!" )
Copy package main
import (
func main () {
proxyURL, err := url. Parse ( "http://account-accountName-pipeline-pipelineName-country-US:[email protected] :7000" )
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
client := & http . Client {
Transport: & http . Transport {
Proxy: http. ProxyURL (proxyURL),
url := ""
req, err := http. NewRequest ( "GET" , url, nil )
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
resp, err := client. Do (req)
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
defer resp.Body. Close ()
fmt. Println (resp.StatusCode)
body, err := ioutil. ReadAll (resp.Body)
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
fmt. Println ( string (body))
Use ISO country codes to identify your target country, e.g. US, DE, BR (see the full list of ISO 3166 alpha-2 country codes ). If no country parameter is specified, the target country will be randomized per each request.
If no peers are available in a supported country/state/city, Nimble IP will return a 525 response. For more information, see Nimble IP's Response Codes .
Targeting by US state
To target a US state, add a -state- value to the username:
cURL Python Node.js Go
Copy curl -x http://account-accountName-pipeline-pipelineName-country-US-state-KS:[email protected] :7000
Copy import requests
proxies = {
'http' : 'http://account-accountName-pipeline-pipelineName-country-US-state-KS:[email protected] :7000' ,
'https' : 'https://account-accountName-pipeline-pipelineName-country-US-state-KS:[email protected] :7000'
url = ''
response = requests . get (url, proxies = proxies)
print (response.status_code)
print (response.text)
Copy const axios = require ( 'axios' );
const targetAddress = "" ;
const getProxy = async () => {
return {
proxy : {
host : "account-accountName-pipeline-pipelineName-country-US-state-KS:[email protected] " ,
port : 7000
const run = async () => {
const res = await axios (targetAddress , getProxy ());
return res .data;
( async () => {
var response = await run ()
console .log (response);
console .log ( "DONE!" )
Copy package main
import (
func main () {
proxyURL, err := url. Parse ( "http://account-accountName-pipeline-pipelineName-country-US-state-KS:[email protected] :7000" )
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
client := & http . Client {
Transport: & http . Transport {
Proxy: http. ProxyURL (proxyURL),
url := ""
req, err := http. NewRequest ( "GET" , url, nil )
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
resp, err := client. Do (req)
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
defer resp.Body. Close ()
fmt. Println (resp.StatusCode)
body, err := ioutil. ReadAll (resp.Body)
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
fmt. Println ( string (body))
Targeting a state is only available when the country parameter is set to US.
Targeting by city
To target a city, add a -city- value to the username:
cURL Python Node.js Go
Copy curl -x http://account-accountName-pipeline-pipelineName-country-US-state-KS-city-wichita:[email protected] :7000
Copy import requests
proxies = {
'http' : 'http://account-accountName-pipeline-pipelineName-country-US-state-KS-city-wichita:[email protected] :7000' ,
'https' : 'https://account-accountName-pipeline-pipelineName-country-US-state-KS-city-wichita:[email protected] :7000'
url = ''
response = requests . get (url, proxies = proxies)
print (response.status_code)
print (response.text)
Copy const axios = require ( 'axios' );
const targetAddress = "" ;
const getProxy = async () => {
return {
proxy : {
host : "account-accountName-pipeline-pipelineName-country-US-state-KS-city-wichita:[email protected] " ,
port : 7000
const run = async () => {
const res = await axios (targetAddress , getProxy ());
return res .data;
( async () => {
var response = await run ()
console .log (response);
console .log ( "DONE!" )
Copy package main
import (
func main () {
proxyURL, err := url. Parse ( "http://account-accountName-pipeline-pipelineName-country-US-state-KS-city-wichita:[email protected] :7000" )
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
client := & http . Client {
Transport: & http . Transport {
Proxy: http. ProxyURL (proxyURL),
url := ""
req, err := http. NewRequest ( "GET" , url, nil )
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
resp, err := client. Do (req)
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
defer resp.Body. Close ()
fmt. Println (resp.StatusCode)
body, err := ioutil. ReadAll (resp.Body)
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
fmt. Println ( string (body))
You can retrieve a comprehensive list of supported countries, states, and cities by using the /location/cities endpoint of the Admin API.
Targeting geolocations with Authenticated IPs
When using an Authenticated IP, your geolocation targeting settings are defined only in the target pipeline's configuration. When defining/modifying a pipeline, you can choose a target location country, and states/cities will be displayed if they are available for the selected location.
You can create/modify your pipelines in one of two ways:
Last updated 4 months ago