General Params

  • Params marked in red are currently for internal use only, and not part of our public documentation.




URL | The page or resource to be fetched. Note: when using a URL with a query string, encode the URL and place it at the end of the query string.


Optional (default = GET)

String | The method for requesting a URL from the target server.


Optional (default = false)

Enum: true | false - True - the page's content will be parsed and returned in a JSON format. False - Response will include page headers and raw data (without parsing).


Optional (default = false)

Enum: true | false - enables or disables Javascript rendering on the target page


Optional (default = JSON)

Enum: JSON | HTML - The data response format. HTML - in case of error, returns JSON with error message.


Optional (default = false)

Boolean | Instructs the Web API that the target page is an XHR request instead of a standard webpage. Only available when render is set to false (default)


Optiona (default = false)

Bool | If set to true, the API will exclude HTML content from the response.


Optional (default = false)

Bool | if set to true, nimble will add a scraping consent header letting the target domain know they are being scraped by Nimble


Optional (default = null)

String | 256 characters long, representing a context text provided by the user, mainly used for async/batch requests.

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