Real-time product request

To make a simple request for a single market page, use the /realtime/ecommerce endpoint with the following syntax:

Nimble APIs requires that a base64 encoded credential string be sent with every request to authenticate your account. For detailed examples, see E-commerce API Authentication.

curl -X POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <credential string>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "vendor": "walmart",
    "url": "",
    "country": "US",
    "zip": "90210",
    "locale": "en"

Every request sent through Nimble API is automatically routed through Nimble IP - our premium proxy network!

Request Options

Walmart Options



X-Task-ID: string

Payload examples:

If parsing was disabled or omitted in the request, the result data will be the raw HTML of the requested page. If parsing was enabled, a JSON object with a parsed version of the page will be delivered, with the raw HTML included under the html_content property.

200 OK

    "status": "success",
    "html_content": "<html>[market page HTML]... </html>",
    "parsing": {
        "status": "success",
        "entities": {
            [EntityType1]: [{
            }, {
            [EntityType2]: [{
            }, {

        "total_entities_count": 20,
    "entities_count": {
        [EntityType1]: 10,
        [EntityType2]: 10
    "metrics": {}

500 Error

          "status": "error",
        "task_id": "<task_id>",
        "msg": "can't download the query response - please try again"

400 Input Error

        "status": "failed",
        "msg": error

Response Codes

Last updated