The Facebook API provides access to a wide range of data and functionalities on Facebook. You can retrieve posts, pages, groups, and more. It is designed to help you interact with Facebook’s rich ecosystem.
Base URL:
Key Endpoints
Groups: Access information about Facebook groups, including their members, posts, and history. This helps in understanding group dynamics and content.
Pages: Retrieve data about Facebook pages, such as page details, about tab, content data, and transparency information. This is useful for analyzing page performance and content.
Posts: Get details about Facebook posts, including their reactions, comments, shares, and false information flags. This endpoint allows you to analyze post engagement and content quality.
Search: Perform searches across various Facebook content types, including posts, photos, videos, events, groups, users, pages, and hashtags. This is useful for discovering content and profiles based on specific queries.
Profiles: Access detailed information about Facebook user profiles, including their timeline, friends, following, and posted content. This helps in understanding user behavior and interactions.
Albums: Retrieve information about photo albums on Facebook, including metadata and the media contained within them. This endpoint is useful for managing and analyzing photo collections.
Marketplace: Search for products and profiles in the Facebook Marketplace, and retrieve details about specific marketplace listings. This helps in exploring and analyzing e-commerce activities on Facebook.
Events: Get details about Facebook events, including their information and metadata. This endpoint is useful for tracking and analyzing event-related content.
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