Get a user's info by its sec ID. You can use the search user by keyword endpoint to find a user's sec ID. Learn about a user's name and nickname, profile photo, bio, statistics, and other social IDs if exists.
{"nickname":"Kris Chanski","user_name":"kris_chanski","posts_count":489,"uid":"6893209667481912326","sec_uid":"MS4wLjABAAAAagrED-9e0PuAsTj1jvpOC5zJqYcDGio4mth3ITSox66IHjZXodqIGu0R274m59j0","profile_photo": {"300x300":"","medium":"","larger":"","thumb":"" },"biogprahy":"Boss Lady at The Range 702\nWork silliness \nLas Vegas","following_count":287,"followers_count":278255,"verification_type":0,"commerce_level":0,"instagram_id":"kris_chanski","youtube_channel_id":"UChH9gQHKvlZ4yJ8Cr746Hcw","youtube_channel_title":"Kris Chanski","total_posts_like_count":7295476}
Fetch a user's feed by its sec ID. You can use the search user by keyword endpoint to find a user's sec ID. Up to 9 results per page.
Retrieve a user's followers list. For each follower, obtain basic information and the sec_id, which can be used with other endpoints to enrich the follower's data. 30 results per page, max 5000 results.
Retrieve a user's followers list. For each follower, obtain basic information and the sec_id, which can be used with other endpoints to enrich the follower's data. 30 results per page, max 5000 results.